Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter, a Special Celebration

Looking back today to celebrate what I have to look forward to...thank you, Jesus.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Mommy, will you play with me?

I have great intentions to actually PLAY with my kids on a daily basis, but more often than not, and many more times than I care to admit, I allow my neverending laundry, errands and other household tasks to get in the way and take precedence and then before I know it, it is bedtime. My bad.

In an attempt to remedy this, I have begun looking at different types of games to play with them. I have run across a company called EEBOO. They produce card games and all sorts of other colorful eye-catching items including a Tea Party Game that I am sure Emily would LOVE. I ordered the Colorful Go Fish and the Old Maid card games, and am very pleased with the quality, altho the price was kind of high. I am thinking of it as an investment....after all, I hope to have grandchildren some day! I am going to order a few items here and there when I have the cash. If any of you know where I could purchase them locally, I would appreciate the info!

We did play the Colorful Go Fish last night, and had a great time. Do any of you ever struggle with fitting in playtime with your kids? How do you make it a priority in your day/ week?